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Old 03-09-2004, 04:01 PM   #1
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Question Should I stay stock or edelbrock?

I'm having my '72 GMC Sierra Grande Custom Camper restored (Frame Up ) and it is all origional with 66,000 origional miles . The truck is down to the frame now and the engine is the origional 402BB and I had all of the machining done on the engine and it didn't need any boring or over sizing on anything. It will use all standard size bearings and rings etc. I,m staying with the origional exhaust manifolds and adding GM Hei and I don't know whether to stay with the standard carb. intake and cam or go a performance edelbrock package. Is the throttle linkage bracket a hassle.( seems like nobody knows what bracket to use on the edelbrock setup)Is this going to become a problem or should I just stay with the origional intake,cam and quadrajet carb?Will using edelbrock devalue my truck what are the pros and cons? Thank you everyone for your help. Dave
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