Originally Posted by davepl
I've used fender shims on engine mount bolts (they're shaped like Us) so that you don't have to get the whole bolt out to shim it. If you use washers you have to take it all the way apart.
Give yourself a few extra 16ths because the motor will rotate and torque down in that direction under load.
The fender shims sounds like it would make the job much easier. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Benny-
Grinding the mount crossed my mind as well, I only need a little bit more clearance, but ultimately I'd like to avoid removing material from the mount. That video was great, maybe I should buy a sledge hammer
Originally Posted by SS Tim
Since the front mount would be the center of rotation. Adding shims under the trans mount would take far more shim to achieve clearance at the aft edge of the front engine mount stand than up fron where you need it.
BTW: What kind of condition are your mounts in?
The motor mounts seem to be in good condition. It's hard to tell just by looking at them, but the engine doesn't move around too much while under load. I don't know the details about them, they were on the truck when I bought it.