Thread: Blue Sky
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Old 04-29-2016, 09:44 PM   #15
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Re: Blue Sky

As far as getting this truck running, parts that my dad (Jake1971) has collected from users on this site and other misc. sources will aid me tremendously (I won't get them for free, though). I'm planning on restoring this truck when the money is there, hopefully in the next 2-3 years. For now, I want to enjoy it as it is; "farm fresh"!

The 305 I did try to crank and it's locked up. The passenger side door won't open atm. The tires are all bad. In spite of all this, I love it! I have wanted a truck like this for a very long time. For now, Cinco de Mayo is slated for an engine pull. Any ideas on how to separate the torque converter from a locked up engine?

Anyway, here's the VIN plate:
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"Time off"? What is this "time off" you speak of?.
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