Re: NEED HELP!! 1973 Dually Brake Problems
Can you modify one of the sets available to fit?
That was my first question, here's my second. Because 73 was the first year for the square body, do you suppose the wheel cylinders from a 72 would be correct? I mean, true they're different body styles, but maybe it's a possibility that parts were continued until the assembly line ran out - especially if your truck was somehow built very early in 73. I've heard of manufacturers doing that before but I don't know if GM was one of them.
Years ago, I had a 1970 F100 Ford. It was something of an ugly step child year for Ford because of a huge UAW strike and production numbers were way way down that year. There were a lot of trucks running around on the road that looked like mine but all were either earlier or later - but never another 1970. Many times, I found the part I was looking for would be from a 1969 and other times from a 71 or 72. That's what made me think of this. But that was Ford and who knows how THEY dealt with things...
I also ran into the same problems with an old Harley. It was one of the very first Evolution bikes and many parts were from the old Shovels.
Last edited by Woodyboat; 04-30-2016 at 11:01 AM.