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Old 03-09-2004, 07:25 PM   #11
1969 GMC
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i have not found the axleshaft swap documented anywhere. its more of hearsay. i think a board member here has done, and im pretty sure a couple at pirate4x4 have. iirc, you use the axleshafts from a C&C 14 bolt (I guess they are narrower or something), a 14 bolt carrier, and a 14 bolt detroit inside the eaton axlehousing. sounds cool to me, except I have a factory No-Spin (detroit) and its free, compared to however much you are going to pay for a 14bff with a detroit locker. and really, the stock axleshafts are fine for most things. street driving, and moderate offroad use is fine. rockcrawling with one is where those axleshafts will start to break. or using humongous tires, like 44s on up, in conjunction with a lot of HP. for everything else they should be fine.
1969 GMC K2500
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2007 Kawasaki KLR 650
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