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Old 05-01-2016, 03:52 PM   #14
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Re: Beautiful 1972 Cheyenne on LA Craiglist

Originally Posted by tahoekid View Post
Thanks for the good comments but as far as all the speculations of what the truck "is not", it's just disrespectful.
With all due respect you need to take a breath and re-read everything in this thread. I can't find one thing that is disrespectful. Actually there are a lot of nice posts. Someone was asking about originality, and others were helping. They weren't dissing your truck.

You explained the cargo lamp. You explained the chrome vent windows. Any serious buyer is going to wonder about those, and that's why the board members were pointing them out. Those are questions people need to ask you when they call so they can be reassured that they are getting what they think they are getting.

Reno was guessing it was a cab swap. He didn't say it was. He can guess whatever he wants. Your picture of the VIN plate, and your explanation of the cargo light clarifies that.

As far as the belt molding, it is not on your SPID. That is not part of the Cheyenne package. So either someone added it at come point in the last 44 years, or ?????

Overall it's a gorgeous truck. Anyone paying decent money for the truck would want an answer to the questions that were posted here. In my opinion the answers that you gave would satisfy 98% of the buyers, I know they would satisfy me. The only reason some might not be satisfied is because they might be looking for something 100% original. That is a small contingent of buyers, and it's not something I would worry about with a truck that looks like yours does. No one said it's a piece of crap. No one said it's ugly. No one was being disrespectful.

You have a very, very nice truck. It's definitely one to be proud of.
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