Thread: Carb tuning
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Old 03-09-2004, 08:31 PM   #12
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First let me say thanks for all your help just a few more questions.

I set my timing just now to what I think is 12 deg advance my tab has a long line at zero then small lines then a long line no number I asume they go by 2 and the long line is 10. Does twelve sound right? no knock or anything at twelve. I set my idle to 700 i think just have crappy tach but seems right. I will do the vacum tommorow does it sound ok so far?

Also can you over tighten your dist? I made it pretty tight but could have gone tighter?

one more thing with the vaccum advance disconected when I rev the motor my advance line still advances is this right? And how can I check my vaccum advance to see if it is working?

Thanks you guys are most kind. I have listened to my idiot friends for to long I Think I trust you guys.
1968 c10
lowered 3" 4"
355/Th400 built by Hatfield racing in joplin MO
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