Thread: Ground up Resto
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Old 05-04-2016, 01:32 PM   #7
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Re: Ground up Resto

I just finished one this month, literally. Started in 4/12 on this board, you can see my build thread here ( ).

So it's doable. I have no special skills, just reasonable mechanics skills. But as the custom guys are fond of saying "Anyone can take apart a truck, clean it, and put it back together again". Just don't fall for believing it's that simple!

Like the universe, Space and Time are important. You need space - I was lucky to have a large shop so I could dedicate two and at rare times 3 stalls to it. A farm building would be better, but a single car garage would be tough (it's been done, but find someone who did it first).

Time is important. Do you already have a habit of following through and finishing complex multi-year projects? Or do you get bored? Because when you're done the "fun" part and you've got a garage full of dirty parts with a dirty frame and things are looking down, will you still go out there EVERY day for an hour or two? You'll have to force yourself, you will NOT always have the same passion you have for it this minute. And you will definitely need to be out there EVERY day.

If you do it you're trading a truck for several years of work. Many if not most are NEVER FINISHED. They quietly get parted out as cabs and frames and projects that are "Just a little too much for me", that sort of thing. But if you stick it out, look at the end of my build thread.

It doesn't need to cost fifty or a hundred thousand, it's not a Hemi car going to Pebble Beach, but it will still be expensive. Easily twice what you estimate. So be ready for that. Mine was and I thought I knew every expense I'd be facing. Tis to laugh!

It's one of the more rewarding things I've ever done, but I didn't do it to be finished, I did it to do it. If that makes sense, you'll know what I mean.
1970 GMC Sierra Grande Custom Camper - Built, not Bought
1969 Pontiac 2+2 427/390 4-speed Coupe
1969 Pontiac 2+2 427/390 4-speed Convertible
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