Thread: Ground up Resto
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Old 05-04-2016, 02:41 PM   #8
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Re: Ground up Resto

Originally Posted by bs46488 View Post
I think another factor I would add to the mix is if you have enough space to do the project.

I was amazed at how much space is needed when taking the truck apart. Working on cleaning up new pieces, storing purchased parts, etc.

I have most of my truck blown apart and stripped for paint, so everything needs to be out of the weather and I have pieces everywhere.

I neglected that entirely in my post above.

I would suggest getting some durable rubbermaid style bins and buy lots of ziploc bags. I like to take all the hardware and drop it in a ziplock bag and label it as I take things apart.

If you don't have enough space in a garage one of those temporary outdoor shelters or an ISO "sea can" can work well. Dead snowmobile trailers also work really well (basically a big box on wheels)
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