Originally Posted by dieseldude4bt
Your C30 frame should not need boxing if it is sound. That is assuming this is a daily driver and not a puller or drag racer of coarse.
I would just swap the front end for a late 70's early 80's, install the cummins and call it a day.
I will not be doing any towing or racing. Just a street truck for rhe weekends etc... Im just addicted to the cummins motor but all my daily drivers are chevy's. So im trying to make the best of both worlds.
I agree with you. The dodge frames were not square channel frame till after 2000 or even after 2007. I just thought maybe it had better engineering and bracing. I could add some braces to it atleast just to try and keep it from twisting.
I think the reason i was hearing guys boxing them in is because they were trying to push 500hp plus
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