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Old 05-05-2016, 02:59 PM   #5
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Re: Weird sulfur smell from my truck! Help! :/

Originally Posted by XLCOR_65 View Post
My initial response is yes because a vacuum leak can suck oil depending on where it is... But....white smoke is usually indicative of coolant, and oil burned by a vacuum leak would be a blueish gray. (I will be the first to say though that it can be hard to differentiate the two sometimes and condensation can cause temporary white smoke)

Is the smoke coming out of your exhaust or are you seeing random puffs of smoke under the hood? Sorry if you stated that, I could have read over it.

Do you run a PCV valve? Any vacuum lines at all? Do you notice a higher than normal idle or loss of power? A good test for a vacuum leak is to get some carb cleaner and lightly spray around the intake, carb base, etc while the truck is running and see if you get a temporary rise in idle.

Also, check your carb. If you have one that has vacuum ports that you have plugged, make sure they are still plugged. A good backfire can shoot those things off and leave you scratching your head if you forget to look there.

Just a few ideas.
You now that you have mentioned it, it is more of a faint bluefish grey smoke, and yes it is random puffs of smoke coming from under the hood/driver side from wheel well area.

I am running a brand new PCV valve that's about 6 months old with a new hose on it, and also running the vacumm hose from the vacumm advance to the carb. I did post about that vacumm hose a couple weeks ago. I think it's stripped because one day I tighten the fitting and was able to get my idle down to about 500 rpms, then one day out of no where it started idling again at around 650-700 rpms. It's always done that so I just forgot about it, but that was what made me think that fitting that goes to the carb may be stripped. I'll have to check it by spraying carb cleaner then.
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