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Old 05-06-2016, 02:28 AM   #8
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Location: Grants Pass, OR
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Re: 1963 c30 project help

I cant offer too much info on the later frames but before you make any firm plans you should be aware that a 24v (same size as the 12v I'm using) will not fit between the firewall and grill on 60-66 trucks. Width wise you will have plenty of room, but length wise the engine will have to encroach on the cabin area. I had to put about 1 1/2 cylinders through the firewall to leave enough room for the radiator and intercooler. Or you can stretch the fenders, I would think about 6-8 inches depending on how large a fan you'll run. I opted to cut the firewall but I have seen the fenders stretched to make it work.

your current c30 frame should be just fine unless you plan on running super high HP. But if you plan on running less than ~500hp then no change on the frame should be needed. The only thing you may want to upgrade is the 1 ton running gear. I would not run less with the 24v but running upgraded suspension would be where I would focus my attention. At least that is what I'd do (and doing)
1960 c30 Apache Panel w/ '95 cummins bt6 turbo diesel (work in progress) NOTE: due to photobucket trying to extort money my photos are temporarily unavailable. currently looking for alternative to fix issue.

Last edited by spacedebris; 05-06-2016 at 02:43 AM.
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