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Old 05-06-2016, 08:41 AM   #6
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Re: Timing issue (pinging) solved!

Originally Posted by StarDust View Post
If you want to further fine tune your timing I highly suggest a timing light. Now I'm no expert but I don't think just setting your timing until it idles and runs decent will cut it. What I do is rev it up to 2400rpm or until the timing stops increasing and set it to 36° btdc and let the initial timing fall where it wants. If the initial is too high or too low then swap springs until the initial is where you like it.
In that instance you want to modify the stop bushing (first make sure it's still there, they commonly fall out causing over advance conditions) Most are cheap plastic. Swapping springs will only slow or increase the rate of advance curve but doesn't fix the issue at hand.

Once total is set (at 36 for instance) if your initial isn't where you want it you either need to increase or decrease the diameter of the bushing or file the bushing slot to make it longer, or fill it to make it shorter.

I like to solder in a brass bushing so it will never fall out. Then file and modify that to limit travel about 18-20 degrees. Then set my initial timing to 16-18 which give me 34-38 total with room to adjust total up or down depending on where the engine makes best power on the dyno.

Only after all that will I start to dial in some adjustable vacuum advance. Usually 10-12 degrees is enough. Different combos vary but these are good ballpark numbers to start with.
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