After I received the family truck, I washed it and the only thing that bothered me, were the rusty white hubcaps. I believe my uncle had them painted all white. They were pretty well dented so i tried to pop most of them out. Now they all kind of look wrinkly. I just used rustoleum spray cans for this job.
All White and rusted.
Used my friends sand blaster to get all the old off.
Shot 2 coats of primer on both sides then 2 coats of gloss ivory.
Didn't get a picture of the taping process but I taped the bowtie and circle off and applied 3 coats of Gloss Cardinal Red
Finished them all off with 3 coats of gloss clear.
I felt the ivory was a better match for the truck. I painted a sample pure white and when holding up to truck it was WAY to white and clean. Again they are denting up me being put on and off, and my "non professional" way of popping dents out. But I think they looks great compared to the all white rusty look.