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Old 05-07-2016, 11:56 PM   #6
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Re: Do you replace or reuse rusty hardware?

I like the grade 8 idea.. also blasting of course but I don't have a sand or baking soda blaster; I think it depends how much time you have until reassembly. I do keep a 5 gallon bucket and some other smaller containers (like a section of 4" ABS pipe with a glued on cap on one end and a removable cap on the top for long pieces) and full of blackstrap molasses. I have found I can degrease a bunch of fasteners and then throw them into the molasses to soak for a couple of weeks and they come out pretty good in terms of rust removal. They do start to rust again right away out of the molasses so I have to get some kind of coating on them right away.

One good thing about molasses is it is pretty organic so disposal is easy (I don't put chrome stuff in there, nor in my DIY battery charger electrolysis set up)...

I have found that all of those trips to the hardware store can add up too... and even though my local Ace Hardware has an excellent selection of fasteners they often are not exactly the same as stock - either the thread count is different or the overall length or head profile, etc. Original has its charms..
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