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Old 05-08-2016, 11:52 AM   #17
Shady Rascal
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Re: Do you replace or reuse rusty hardware?

I knew a Shady Rascal once who was going through a hard stretch in his life. He went to the junkyard and pulled every single 5/16" body bolt from GM vehicles he could find. You know the pointy fender bolts with built in washers ? After having them replated to look new he sold them at the swap meet for 50 cents each and made obscene cash off of the deal. A five gallon bucket of fresh bolts at 50 cents each add up to big bucks. Those bolts fit pretty much every pre-metric GM vehicle and the Camaro and Chevelle guys flocked to their shiny goodness.

Edited to add: While that fellow may be shady, he did not misrepresent the hardware as new. He was straight up front that it was all restored original GM hardware. The restorers still bought it like crack.
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