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Old 05-08-2016, 09:59 PM   #17
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Re: New to me GMC 4000?

Originally Posted by l79m20 View Post
Ron did not see a picture. Does one end or both travel (move) so that shaft , may be connected? I saw one that had bolts that tightened shaft to the yoke , both sides after installation, not what I would call a GM design. Someone or corp supplied yoke ends and u-joint end to GM originally, not off the self. I want mine to function and look as designed if at all possible.
GM didn't really supply them. who ever supplied the optional equipment supplied the setup . i you needed a dump box, you specified what box and it would go to them and be installed. a lot of these things were also installed at the dealer end. winches, snow blades or tow truck setup would go to who supplied those. most of the ujoints would have been fairly standard so most dealers would have them in stock. some had the pto on the trans and some had them on the transfer case. there would be no such thing as a std pto shaft
1 st pic is my old 4 x 4 pto shaft and the second is for the lift for the deck on my 1 ton. for the 2nd one you can see that it has been modified a few time and the last time for going around corners. I just went to the local steel place and bought a new piece of square stock and have to put it in. one end is slippable for one end and bolts to the yoke on the other end, I was a parts man for IHC in trucks and also farm equip and later sold IHC and Pacific Truck and Trailer years ago
I realize that every one wants to go to the corner store and whatever off the shelf to fit but it doesn't just work that way.
I get calls frequently for furniture parts. I need a leg for a chair that I bought 35 years you have one. 1st of all I have no idea of what their chair even looks like and the manufac. more than like quit making that style 35 years ago and then went out of business 20 years ago and we haven't even gotten down to colour yet. then you tell them that you can make them a new one. the first thing that spouts from their mouth is how much and you still haven't seen it. you wish that you didn't pick up the phone

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