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Old 05-11-2016, 10:10 PM   #5
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Re: 65- Factory Tank for EFI

I did it about 8 or 9 years ago in college. I was paranoid, so I emptied the tank and filled it with water, then drilled and then JB welded a fitting in that I could hook a hose to. Was likely overkill. If I were to just drill again I'd use grease on the bit, and make sure the tank was as full as possible. Liquid fuel will be a lot more resistant to igniting than gas vapors, which would be present in an empty tank.

Ideally though, you could use a new factory tank, and weld in the proper fitting then install it into the ride.

One idea, and not sure if there is room, is to weld a fitting and tube into the sending unit, since you could remove that.
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