Thread: Torchered
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Old 05-12-2016, 12:15 AM   #274
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Re: Torchered

Thank you to all the members here for any support given and following this thread. Today the truck was sold. A biter sweet ending, which I tried to avoid. Every computation and plan was made and thought out but it was useless. It came back to the amount of metal work that needed to be done and the overall price. Then with limited time and the wife (not a fan of welding and grinding in the garage) breathing down my neck. Unfortunately the wife is putting her foot down for a finished driver. I guess I'll try RC planes now.

So for those who have projects "keep your head down and the wrench turning my friends for its a far worse thing to go without".
69 C10 "Torchered"

RC Crawler Nut
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