Get the recommended lifters and springs from Comp Cams. They are documented on the 12-235-2 product specification page here:
Also, be very careful to follow lubing instructions during assembly (Comp Cams has an assembly lube), follow the correct break-in procedure (from here for example:, use break-in oil during break-in (I think Comp Cams has that as well), and use a ZDDP additive in the oil after break-in. I run Mobil1 10W30 with half a bottle of ZDDPPlus per oil change, for example, but there are at least as many oil recommendations on this forum as there are forum members.
You probably also want to change the timing gears and chain while you are in there. You have to take most of that apart anyway. Why put the old ones back on?
You can either pull the engine to do this job, or do it in place. If doing it in place, take out the radiator, shroud, grill. Doing it in place is about a day and a half for a trained mechanic, with another person to help you get the hood off and on. Everything else is a one-man job.