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Old 05-15-2016, 02:30 AM   #20
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Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise

Just had all of my machine work on a 454 done by a reputable shop up in Burlingame for 1400 including all bearings, rings, gaskets and nice valve job. All good name parts. Cam was 1200. 2600 for a complete new engine if I assemble. If I wanted it assembled add another 300. Yes, I hate to say it but you were taken. Guys like the one you just dealt with are what made me find a good machine shop and learn how to build my own engines 30 years ago. Tuition paid. Got tired of getting burned. In that time, Ive only found 2 machinists that are honest, reasonable and really good at what they do. I do pay for it but I also never have problems with their work.

If you really had a wiped cam (you saw it for yourself and it not what your mechanic told you) theres almost no chance that the lower end will survive. Either find a roller crate with a warranty or a good machine shop. Either way, you're not running what you have in there now whether you try to sue or not.

'63 k15 long step
Vortec 7.4 - L29 Blackbear tune, Five 0 Motorsports injectors, Chris Straub Cam, NV4500, divorced 205
52" front and 63" rear spring swap
D44 / 14bff - disc axles
Milemarker 9K and 10.5K hydraulic winches

63" & B52 Spring Install

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