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Old 05-16-2016, 12:03 AM   #24
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Re: I think my mechanic burned me please advise

If you have already tried to work with him and you have caught him lying then you need to proceed to the next step. I would find another shop that is willing to put int the time to evaluate what the issue is. If they broke it in while you were waiting then they are not a good shop. That means they did not test drive it or check any of the vitals. If he is not being very cooperative with you to give back your money. Its time to ball the BAR Bureau of Automotive Repair. They will get stuff done. 2600 is not that out of hand for a bay area charge. People don't understand we live in one of the most expensive areas around. Even if you bought a crate motor you still have the expense to put it in. At 100.00 an hour on the average here, plus new parts.

Your on the right step I think you got the wrong shop. Move onto wanting your money back from them. Make sure you document everything.
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