Originally Posted by samlsn
He put the old cam and lifters in the bed of my truck, the intake lobe on one cylinder and exhaust on another ( I think #'s 7&8, all the way back of cam before dist. gear) were wiped and the lifters notched out as though they had stopped spinning
I just did a complete top end on mine over 4 years ago. A couple of the lobes were wiped, and when we pulled the lifters a few (?) had been dished. The motor was pulled and completely pulled apart. I hold no certification in engine repair and have done a couple of head replacements on vehicles.
50 K going strong, Now I had enough common sense to pull it apart and clean it, and most important in my book, replace the cam bearings which was a step up in difficultly.
I don't see how they could warranty their work with the rest of the motor being used. They will use that as a tool to defeat a lawsuit. I have a friend who works at a shop selling and installing tires had his intake replaced by the mechanic and now his lifters tick on a cold morning. He is all bent on a 200k motor. He works there.
The best vindication you will receive is when you have a hopped up motor back in there working.
Sounds to me the mechanic could very well end up a schlock.