Originally Posted by Crappie Hog
Thank you In The Ten Ring its great to hear that so many of you have A heart when it comes to these old trucks. I was really hoping that I wasn't alone in dilemma
I thought I was the only one!
When I first got interested in getting my truck fixed up (some 20 years ago) I wanted to put in a V8, 4 speed in floor, chrome it up. Now I am totally different. I want to keep it as original as I can. I think it was my time as a gun collector, and member of Parallax Bill's Curio and Relic Forum, that changed me. Any mention of "sporterizing" was deleted and the member could be banned.
Besides, if you bump a chromed bumper, trip to chrome shop. If you bump a painted bumper, can of spray paint.
Any changes done to an all matching, all original firearm = major value lost. No one with any brains is going to pay big bucks for a sporterized (bubba job) whatever. I'd say it's the same with trucks.
I hope the original poster does keep this thing intact. If he simply must have a truck to change, there are plenty on CL for that task. If he cannot keep them both, someone on here would buy an intact truck lightning fast.