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Old 05-19-2016, 12:52 PM   #5
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Re: flashed '72 c10 swb

As for the stereo system I wanted it hidden which is where the BuddyBuckets come back into play .The simple AM/FM/CD player was mounted inside the BuddyBucket storage console and speakers under the seat .Hidden power antenna in the driver side front stake pocket behing the inbed spare tire holder .The inside looks plain and simple .We added Vintage Air(Twice) ,will go into that later ,using the original heater control.The truck is powered by a stock 350 crate motor with a rebuilt 350 trans and original rear end.It had stock steel wheels (off my 74) with various different hubcaps before restoration as I had a set of 8"rallys and new tires waiting for after paint .The inside floor ,and bottom of cab were bedlined to help prevent future rust ,truck was rewired from front to rear as the old harness was in bad shape .
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