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Old 05-19-2016, 08:29 PM   #1
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Posts: 433
Van bumper on my Square



On a recent trip to Pa. (Carlisle swap meet) the group stopped at a pick-n-pull to see what they could find. Seeing so many mid 80's vans with decent bumpers, I thought, "why not". For $30 it would be worth a try. When I got it home, the first step was to find some brackets I could work with. Found a pair of Suburban outers for cheap, bolted them to the frame after getting the monster step bumper off, then saw what needed to be modified and had at it with the power tools and welder. Filled all the van bumper bracket holes, smoothed the bumper, then welded the modified Burb brackets to the bumper, then off for powder coating. Looks a whole lot better than the dealer installed bridge girder
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