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Old 05-20-2016, 02:18 PM   #27
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Location: Clarkston, Wa
Posts: 345
Re: The neighborhood pusher! 1963 c10

Dude, sweet truck! I'm on board with the guys saying get it running! If it were mine, I'd start with getting the motor running. Wouldn't worry about brakes or fuel tank or any of that until you hear it run and get motivated for real! Throw a battery in it and rig up a funnel full of fuel and a chunk of hose to the carb and jump across the starter solenoid if the ignition is out to see if she fires! Check the oil level first... Then id work the brakes, then stick er in gear and see if she moves! Then I'd find a fender, windscreen, and tank and enjoy driving it for a bit! Once you start pulling the body off and all that, schedules and funds get in the way and who knows when you will drive it again... Let me know if you need any parts along the way, I've acquired a few along my short journey..
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