oldgmctrucks.com has some information that might help, and the owner of the site offers to help with VIN deciphering on larger trucks. A bus would most likely have started as a "flat back cowl." See here:
http://www.oldgmctrucks.com/page0010.html to understand what GMC believes should be in most serial numbers. You can follow links on that page to find 55-59 GMC information and to find a link to send email to the page author for help with large truck numbers.
Engine for sure is NOT stock. I knew that.
You originally said you doubted it was stock but by including the engine number it seems like you're asking for confirmation. Or is that not the number from the 350??
The page I linked to shows GMC serial numbers usually started with a letter for 55-59 trucks. If the first character is an "S" that would fit with traditional GMC coding. "S" was used to designate 1958 and 59 model year. Then the next four numbers are the series, 9452. The next six digits indicate the bus was chassis 606882 in series. If the first digit is really an 8 then I would assume, with no other information, the vehicle is a '58. Not very positive, I know.
With the HP and torque numbers found on the ID plate we could identify which engine was originally installed.
If you can find the original "parts identification plate" we might be able to identify other major components.
The numbers didn't contain a lot of information back then. The numbers you posted don't exactly agree with what's published. Ultimately there may be more guessing involved than you are comfortable with.