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Old 05-27-2016, 11:48 AM   #180
I know the pieces fit
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Re: Sarge's rattle-can rebuild

Thanks Mike. I'd read that stuff was terrible bad but I still don't have a good respirator, I'm still shopping for one. I folded a scott's shop towel in half and put it over my mouth and nose with a cheapie dust mask over it and kept a compressed air nozzle at my side to keep the stuff blown away from me. I know that's not a good substitute, but it's what I had. I tried to stay away from the stuff.

I mentioned to you recently your old truck pops up on CL constantly, and I saw it again the other day. This time it's not for sale but it's parked next to a truck that is. That thing is like Waldo. Check out the ad, 2nd pic:

79 2wd Blazer (Bruiser)
85 M1009 Blazer (Sarge) build
74 Honda Z50 build
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