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Old 06-03-2016, 11:45 AM   #5
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Re: Overheating issue - I am stumped!

More info as requested:

As part of this swap I also put in a new:

- Water pump
- radiator
- 195 degree thermostat

The sender for the temp gauge was reused at first, same one that came out. Was very careful when removing the engine and all the wiring, labeled everything and reattached it in after installing new engine. Temp gauge sender is one wire that attaches to the sender on the head. Same result with the old sender and also the new sender for this gauge issue, goes to 250 and then falls back to normal temp after a bit. After it does this once, its done and temp is normal the rest of the time I drive it. Just happens when it goes from a cold startup.

heater hose is in the intake, i have been running it to try to bleed off heat/work any air out the of the system.

There were no instructions with the heads for an external bypass, none that I saw anyways. They are summit racing brand heads - 72cc chambers. Apparently they are the same as Dart Iron Eagles (thats the rumor)
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