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Old 06-09-2016, 11:47 AM   #1
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6.0 Swap w/new Enytropy Radiator/Fans running hot when not moving.

Still fixing all the little problems after doing my 6.0/4L80 Swap into my 87 Suburban. Along with the motor installed an Enytropy radiator/fan kit.
Fans come on low speed then high speed like they are supposed to.
When I'm driving and have airflow through the radiator, everything is fine, once I come up to a light or stop, temp goes up about 20-30 degrees, even if the fan is on high speed, then goes back down when I start moving. When I installed the motor I replaced the water pump and thermostat with new AC Declo parts.
Any ideas?

1987 R20 Suburban LQ4/4L80e swap:
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