Re: Question to the past successful frame off restoration guys.
It all depends on what you want out of your truck. I planned and planned and planned some more on my build. And no matter how much you plan, in the end there will always be something that you didnt budget for. I thought I could build a truck ground up (LS, PB fab suspension) for roughly $30k. Best of a lot of parts not skipping any corners. I blew right past that budget with a lot more left to spend :/ As far as a timeline, thats a hard question to answer. My biggest problem with a frame off is that it is so easy to get overwhelmed. Every now and then I get discouraged with mine, and I simply take a step back from it for a little bit. Just remember, building trucks is supposed to be as fun as driving them. Don't put a lot of pressure on yourself by creating a time frame and feeling under the gun to try to meet it. Thats how corners get cut and mistakes get made.