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Old 06-10-2016, 01:04 AM   #9
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Re: Question to the past successful frame off restoration guys.

Originally Posted by 54belair View Post
Ive done a few resto's before this one on my truck--so I thought I knew what to expect. This truck was my first "Every nut, bolt and screw" resto.
I honestly don't know where Im at on money spent. I do know Im way over budget and my initial goal on a time frame was no more than two years.
Im currently in my fourth year. With luck Ill have it done by early fall (this year!!) Life does have a way of getting in the way of finishing your project.
If you have to allocate funds for the truck on a month to month basis, my recommendation would be to Not start a major resto. Instead, make a list of several smaller projects, prioritize them under "Need to do" and "Want to do", and when figuring your budget--always figure "worst case" rather than best case. I absolutely amazed myself on how badly I misfigured this project.
Even though I don't have an accurate accounting of costs so far--I do have every receipt and some day (when Im finished), Ill do the final accounting. I am relatively sure that Im hovering around Double of my original estimate on cost. My link to my build thread is here, if you read it you can get an idea how things can balloon .
54belair- Thank you for your response, very much what I was looking for. Unless your profession is auto restoration (just thinking out loud here) I would think being 50% low on cost and a year or more off on time is very understandable. Yes I have read through your build and your doing an awesome job. Glad you have had the grit to stay with it, the end is in sight!
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