Originally Posted by Coach529
I will have to measure full height. Ride height is with the running boards about 6" off the pavement......any lower than that I get some rubbing of my front tires on the fenders when I turn.
this may be your problem, ride height may not be turn height. I used to mess with minitrucks and usually the wheel to fender clearance was such that rolling height was lower than turning height. maybe dial in a bit of camber and roll a little lower, usually you can make everything but right angle turns with the truck lower, and pop up for turns. 6 inches sounds a bit over 1/2 travel in the front and is definitely over 1/2 in the back.
edit: also, I saw your post about the wheels being too far forward in the wheelarches. it looks like you dont have any caster or camber shims installed yet. your wheels may be castered forward and this will give a pretty stiff ride. on all the s10s I have owned there have always been more shims in the back of the arm than the front, which will pull the wheel back slightly. if you are set at zero camber at your ride height, dial in a little, it will help with turn clearance and may be better for the tires than a zero setting. camber doesnt ruin tires, toe and camber together do.