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Old 06-16-2016, 02:45 PM   #503
Lucky Teter at the wheel
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Re: Bride of Young Frankenstein - 1957 Buick Super

Originally Posted by kenbotron View Post
Hi Drew!

First off, let me just say how awesome The Bride is coming along. I really love the body lines of most Buicks, and I think the C pillar of the Super is just fantastic in its own Ford Edsel, beautiful-because-its-not kind of way.

I was having a conversation with one of my gear-head friends last night and we started talking about second gen crew cab C10s. I have seen a few pictures of peoples' projects that have two C10 cabs stuck together, but it leaves the silly looking trapezoidal window in the back. I did some searching around and stumbled upon your project: Young Frankie. This was at about 7pm-ish, and I read on and off until I finished the entire 152-page thread at around 2am. Whoa. Today I dove right into this thread too, I just couldn't wait to start.

I'm 20, and I have developed an ever-growing love for cars since I was about 12. My dad would always take me to the local car show every year and point out cars from his childhood. We live in Lake George, NY and the town hosts a car show early every September (it's called Adirondack Nationals if you care to check it out) where I would oggle over the engineering masterpieces. As I'm sure Biz is doing right now, senior year of high school was a time that I had to really think about what I want to do later in life. Combining my love for cars and my drive to own a small business, I decided to attend Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in Western NY (about 4.5 hours from home). I'm now about halfway through my fourth semester as a double major Mechanical Engineering and Business Management student with a minor in marketing. The end goal is to have my own hot rods/resto/customs shop specializing in 50s-70s American cars.

Getting back to both your threads, it's awesome to see the fabrication you're doing. The resto-mod (or at least that;s what I'd categorize it as) that is Frankie is literally an engineering wonder. My jaw dropped so many times while reading that thread that my neck is a little sore. I've always been a little scared to start tearing apart frames, but from what I can see so far with the Bride, you don't seem to have that same fear, haha.

If I ever have the chance to meet you, I'd be honored to shake your hand and have a chat. You seem to be doing exactly what I dream of doing someday, and I'm jealous that you get to share such incredible experiences with your kids. I wish I could have shared the same experiences with my dad. I really want to do some kind of a project with him but our schedules don't line up well at all, I wish we had been able to do something while I was still in high school.

Anyway, I made an account on this forum specifically to write this comment. I'm subscribed now and cannot wait to see more progress!! Thanks so much for the inspiration and commitment to the projects. You have certainly motivated and inspired me!
Thanks for all the props, and I'm glad to inspire! I wish the internet was around when I was your age, I would be so much better and more learned than I am now. It's almost like cheating how you can just watch a video online and learn all the tricks. (Or follow a blog)

YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (Finished with MAJOR Surgery - IT'S ALIVE!!!)

The Bride is currently under the knife!
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