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Old 06-19-2016, 06:59 PM   #1
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help with front brake drum removel

I am having a heck of a problem getting the front drums off my 69 C10. What I have done so far. I have tried spraying them down with many types of lubricants several times. Probably have used about three cans total. Also have heated them up and beat on them with a hammer for hours on end over the last week. Have pounded on front, sides and from back. Have loosened up the pad separators. Also drilled out those retaining pins that hold the brake pads on. So now all the springs are not held in place and should come off all as one. But still cant get them to budge. Don't know what can be holding them on. Am I missing something. I need any tips or anything anyone can suggest that I may have over looked. I can not figure this out. Thank you for your help and time.

Am loosening my mind!
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