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Old 06-20-2016, 02:02 PM   #47
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Location: Boise, ID
Posts: 102
Re: The neighborhood pusher! 1963 c10

So I can not get the motor to start. It will turn. It has spark because I will put a little bit of gas in the carb and it will pop/backfire. So any idea on what to look at? The distributor?

Ive gotten the bench out, the heater core, the parking brake off of my donor truck. The one thing I can't get off is the knobs for the dash for the wipers, lights and such. Any suggestions on how to get that off.

The other thing I need to get off is the vents for the defrost/heater under the dash. I can't get to the screw its screwed in from the top, but I can't get to the screw.

So any ideas would be appreciated.
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