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Old 06-21-2016, 10:01 AM   #141
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Re: 85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

Originally Posted by SKT View Post
Amazing how rust free this truck is. Always enjoy reading your attention to detail refurb threads - appreciate the time you spend to share all the details!
I searched for weeks looking for the "right" candidate for my latest build. I have learned that rust repair and paint work add the largest cost to a build. If I can start with a rust free truck that has quality paint then I am miles ahead.
Originally Posted by aggie91 View Post
Since you are doing the cleaning in the shop and I don't see water all over the floor in the pics, can you describe your cleaning process? Your results look great.!
I usually do the degreasing at the local Coin Op Car Wash. I spray everything down with Gunk Engine Brite then use the degreaser feature to get it as clean as possible.

Once its in the shop we use various size wire brushes to start the clean up. To minimize dust I sometimes wet it with a spray bottle. Once we have the loose dirt off I blast it with the air nozzle. I also use a battery powered leaf blower to clean up my work area.

I have tried various solvents for the final prep but they can become cost prohibitive and easily wasted. We discovered that Walmart brand brake cleaner on folded paper towels uses minimal product and dries quickly with no residue. I toss them in my recycle bin so we are enviro friendly.

I buy the cheapest paper towels that Sams Club offers and they work great. They are virtually lint free and cost much less than the blue towels. I may use twice the amount, but its still cheaper.

The end result is we almost never have any fish eye or chemical reaction when we apply undercoat or paint.
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"Jake" the 84 to 74 crewcab

"Elwood" the77_Remix

85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

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