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Old 06-22-2016, 09:46 PM   #17
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Re: New parts, now won't start

Originally Posted by Mr Handy View Post
I would slow down, sounds like you have insured that it is not electrical, also sounds like you are sure its not fuel because you have fuel in the carb.
I say it has to be timing still. Take you time, check the firing order a couple times, its easy to cross wires and otherwise get things wrong. At this point I would roll the engine over to TDC and stab the dizzy back in and see what you get. If nothing, over again and stab it back in.
If all else fails start rotating the wires around the dizzy till she hits.

I pulled the distributor and checked everything and it did fire, but only after I turned the distributor way to far over counter clockwise. The vac canister is almost pointing forward
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