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Old 06-23-2016, 06:04 PM   #5
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Re: Manual Windows and Locks to Power fit question.

Originally Posted by Bpilcher72 View Post
It is my understanding that you can install factory power window motors and regulators and power window actuators in a door that came factory with manual locks and windows. I have been told the window tracks are the same in a power door and a non power door. I am trying to do this on a 1982 C/10. I see people buying donor doors, but my doors are in perfect condition so I have no reason to purchase new doors. So if I am wrong in my assumption that I can buy the power regulators, motors, and lock actuators at Autozone and install please let me know. I do realize I will have to manually wire everything outside of the factory harness but I don't mind.
I have the same question as above. The answers seems to be a resounding YES. So, my question is what parts should be used? These are on ebuy and described as power window regulators and motors for 82 -87 GM doors:
Will they work? I have asked the seller, but so far no answer yet. Thanks.

Some shots of the work in progress:
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