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Old 06-27-2016, 09:00 PM   #8
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Re: Opinions are like .......

Just one old guys opinion.. I like the 14" open element with a chrome slightly domed lid. .. looks like factory on a L78 first gen. Camaro. If you make a longer carb. stud you can use a 4" tall 14" filter. With the hood clearance on the truck you don't need a dropped base. The 4" filter refrences to an '80 Chevy PU with the converted Olds diesel.
Advance has the filters on sale right now for $5.. purolator classic air filter pt# a63181
Had this old lid that was rusty so I wet sanded it and sprayed it with semi-gloss Krylon.
Yeah, C.Downs, I got a length of 3/8 rubber fuel line too, haven't burned one down in almost 50yrs..... I know, don't take but once, right?
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Dad always said, "Son, WISH IN ONE HAND, and ......."
Current toy trucks:
'71 GMC 1500 SUPER CUSTOM short/step, orig. dk. blue, 350/700r, ps,pb, A/C
'72 Blazer 2wd, ochre & white, 454, tremecTKO 500 5spd. ps, pb, A/C, tilt

Last 10yrs of hobby vehicles, had a FEW more in the 50yrs. before these:
'66 Plymouth Belvedere City of Miami cop car clone.
'70 Nova 406"sb, 13.5-1, solid roller, Brodix, p.glide/t.brake, back halved, 9" Ford, spool 4.88, cage,ladder bar/coilover, 10.5 tire....... SOLD!!
'67 C10 short/step side mount spare -- SOLD!!
'72 Jimmy 2wd, 350/350, ps, pb, fun driver, lots of bondo & a shiny red paint job..... SOLD!!
'69 Nova 350, 4spd, A/C, ps, p.b, ...SOLD!!
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