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Old 06-28-2016, 03:37 PM   #24
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Re: Opinions are like .......

I have an original air cleaner exactly like yours that I had stripped and powdercoated black, then applied a factory reproduction "Keep your truck all GM" sticker with a K&N drop-in. That being said, I never use it unless I'm driving to a show. I have an aftermarket chrome one like you have.

Keep the original one for the shows (or nice days) and the other one for the street. The original air cleaner is a litle too restrictive for my tastes.

On the subject of an inline fuel filter, what I did was I added a hi-flo filter inline on the steel line before the fuel pump, underneath the cab. That way I can change it by unscrewing the flare fittings and popping a new one in. After the fuel pump I have hard line going into a regulator, then hard line from the regulator into a fuel log.

Last edited by StoningtonQB; 06-28-2016 at 03:43 PM.
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