Originally Posted by canonball
Hey guys, both my water and fuel pump are on their way out and I wanna make sure I'm grabbing the right parts to replace them. Engine is 305 V6 in a '63 GMC 1/2 ton.
There's a review on this fuel pump that says the gas line fittings provided with lit were smaller than factory, 5/16 instead of 3/8, had to purchase separate fittings and then it worked. That sound correct?...
This looks like the only water pump Summit carries for the 305 V6...
My belts look like they're in decent shape but if I'm removing them to replace the water pump it's probably a good idea to go ahead and replace the belts as well?
First time replacing these parts, I suspect the fuel pump is fairly straight forward, found a similar tutorial online and looks like I need to keep the plunger up and make sure the new pump attaches to it properly when re-assembling. I'm going to need to drain the coolant when replacing the water pump right? Anything else to look out for?
That's pretty cheap for a fuel pump even if it doesn't come with the right fittings! lol I'd be purchasing two of those if I hadn't gone electric on mine. Test fit your lines, and if they are to big then get new fittings.
Just pull the old fuel pump out and install the new one in the same way the old came out. And I believe it's with the stinger down.
New belts are Never a bad idea. Just cheap insurance. I got mine from Napa.
You don't have to drain All the coolant, but if that coolant has been in there for 50 years it wouldn't hurt to drain and refill.
Nothing to really watch out for, just make sure the water pump gets sealed so you don't have leaks. Check the rad hoses and maybe even replace those if necessary. And be careful refilling an old radiator. I have had several blow holes from it.