Re: So I walked into NAPA today...
I'm an ex parts guy and I still know my numbers. I only tell the parts guys what I need because I either already looked them up online or I know them myself. I went into an AZ I frequent often...I know everyone there....and usually I go grab my own parts behind the counter if it's an odd thing I need or, they ask what I need and I will tell them I need gaskets. They ask for what kind of vehicle....? I just say-grab a piece of paper and write these down: MS90314-3, VS12869AC and a 60038 for my air cleaner base.
I just don't have time to wait for parts guys to fumble around on the computer and usually things I need won't be in the computer anyway a lot of times.
How about when I ask for a u-joint conversion for a GM driveshaft and a 9" rear end? They look at me as if I have a 2nd head growing out of my shoulder as I That's when I just say "never mind, let me look in your chassis catalog-they have conversion sections for u-joints in them-you do have actual paper catalogs don't you?"