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Old 06-30-2016, 08:43 AM   #21
burnin oil
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Re: What would you do with a bent crossmember in the rear

Originally Posted by Grumpy old man View Post
Oh , and the "lowly 6 bangers" have smoked more built 350's off the line than I can count ! It's all about weight and balance .
Very true. The point was about the low torque and HP of the factory sixes. 200ftlbs + gearing just doesn't brake parts like 400ftlbs through the same gears. I have had them in the past and they drove really well and most never get hopped up. SBC usually get a little hotter when rebuilt but that doesn't mean a race car engine either. Just what people do. I always gained mpg adding a little cam to a stockish SBC build.

Now my inline 6 Cummins with 24 forward gears, 4.44 gears sitting in a 12k lb empty weight truck is slow! Easly carries 5 tons of gravel in the bed and it will pull the house off the foundation but a 4 year old on a tricycle will put it to shame. It can go both ways.
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