Time to move to the back. In an effort to save work I left the bed on, it would have gone a HECK of a lot easier if I had just removed it. Again I used the stock 4x4 mounts for the front of the rear springs, they drop down further than 2x4 mounts and of course the holes are different.
I have to add pics but basically the front mounts are centered on a bed brace/crossmember. They bolt through the sides and from the bottom. The 4x4 brackets are offset by about 3/4" but ALL of the bottom holes lined up, so I just bolted them in from the bottom and drilled new holes in the sides. If I hadnt done that, it would have been a lot more work to close up the holes in the frame, and that crossmember and keep everything square. We will see how much difference that 3/4" makes in shackle angle tonight when I bolt the rear back in.
For the back of the rear springs (shackle side) I decided to use offroad designs shackle flip. I went with 2" just to give it a little height and for simplicity sake of not having to remove the 4x4 mounts. NONE of the holes line up for a 2x4 frame, so welded the holes up and carefully measure from the front hanger and again from the rear of the frame to get everything symmetrical and in the right spot. Super heavy duty part and quality fabrication on Offroad designs part.
getting the rear end secured up higher than normal on some railroad ties to give myself plenty of room to work

I had a nice set of springs without the overloads in the pack that I used in the rear with the stock shackles flipped around

I dont have many pictures of the rear, I just got U bolts today that will let me finish that tonight so I will update with new pics and thoughts once thats back together.