I get a kick out of the stuff regarding the wives being able to handle this.
Clearly I don't know what everyone else's wife/spouse is like but my wife could figure this stuff out faster than about 90% of the current generation of young men these days...lol.
She runs a garden center and has to hire this younger generation to help with the grunt work, etc...and most of them still can't measure up to a full day's work without having to text their moms every hour and she constantly outworks them.
Guys....don't underestimate the women when it comes to getting things done...particularly in comparison to a lot of the young men these days.
That said, I saw something on tv in interviewing a bunch of young women about what they thought about the masculinity and perceived manhood of young men and they responded (comically) stating that 'guys are the new girls', clearly the result of the ridiculous 'super mom' craze where mom does absolutely everything for their son (..and Dad does it for the daughter).....lol, leaving these young people nearly devoid of skill and responsibility as they head into their adult life.....thanks mom!.

all good