Thread: Business Logo
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Old 07-08-2016, 12:30 AM   #21
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Re: Business Logo

Originally Posted by MARTINSR View Post
This is a funny thought "do what you like" nooooooo, do what will make you money! A sign, that isn't for YOUR liking! Get yourself a painting to hang on the wall of your living room, now that is for you.

I think maybe in your enthusiasm, you are either interpreting what people are saying differently than intended (on the internet? the hell you say) or you are placing the importance of advertising solely on the door art.

for the first, people are saying "do what you like" to mean, dont let narrow minded people tell you that running door art is tacky or even unwarranted. if you want door art, run it, do what you like not what someone tells you.

for the second, it would be extremely irresponsible to rely on door art as the ONLY form of advertising a company will do. more likely the consistency of the advertising is whats important, having the same logo between different mediums and clearly communicating what you do in all mediums.

the eye catching part is not going to be the door art, it will be the truck. the truck will make people take notice of the door art, and not the other way around. I know without a doubt where at least ONE fireworks stand is in town because they have a 53 chevy parked out front with the fireworks sign in the bed. it could be next to or in between 20 other fireworks stands, but I know where that ONE is.
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