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Old 07-08-2016, 05:27 AM   #1
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Another oil question (I know I know)

So I searched it and read lots of threads to get my answer and while there is plenty of good info on oils, I couldn't find my answer. Hopefully somebody can help.

I have a decent sized flat tappet cam, and it's definetly broke in at this point, probably had 100 miles on it by now maybe a little less. I used 5 quarts of break in oil (not additive) for the initial break in and again after I let it run for 30 minutes. I changed it again around 40 miles or so to check for metal flakes or glitter and was all clear. So my question is, can I run Comp Cams break in oil (not additive) all the time now? I run 30w in the summer because it's over 100* where I live, and I have 12 quarts of it sittin around so price isn't an issue. Is that okay to do or is it just a break in thing?
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