Originally Posted by special-K
You want more "dish" or less offset. What width do you want, 8"? Or wide as you can go? Same size all around so you can rotate? Looks at 8" rallye wheels, is that about the look you want? Those are a great starting point for reference. I don't have any here, so can't give exact back space, but the standard is about 4". If you want wider, there is room for more back space. Does Cragar build these wheels custom or is there a set offset/back space with each size? Also, do you have a Stepside or Fleetside, and is it lowered any? What size tire were you hoping to run?
Wow rally wheels really are a great example 👍 That's the look but I'd like even more dish than that in the back of possible. They make them in 15,16 and 17, and although I kinda like the 15 inch wheel and fat tire in the back look I am also partial to 17's because it fills the wheel well nice on these trucks. They make them in 8 and 9" widths, and I think wider in the back would be really cool. Looks like they only make them in 4.5" and 5" backspace, hopefully this doesn't limit the dish I can have. Haven't decided on tires yet because I am relatively new to the hobby (and only buy one size for the Silverado and one for the wife's car lol) and I really couldn't tell you what the different sizes would look like based on the numbers. The tires on the c10 are 255/60/15's and I know the 15 is for wheel size, but I always thought the first number was diameter (height) like when you buy 35/50/15's but the tire guys said otherwise, so I'm confused lol. I know that my current tires are a little too small height wise, but maybe wide enough, could be a bit wider in the rear especially